Phosphorimager, Typhoon

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Rules and Guidelines


1. New user MUST be trained by the captain or present users

For General Safety information, please refer to the Instrument Guide located on the shelf above the scanner.

1. Log on to the system. If you do not have a password, please contact Jessica Metzger (

2. If the instrument is Off, press the on/off switch on the lower right side of the scanner. Wait approximately 30 min before starting the scan.

a. If you plan to do fluorescence scanning using the blue (488 nm) laser, make sure that the blue laser module is turned on as indicated by the green light. The module is currently positioned to the right of the scanner.

3. Double-click the Typhoon Scanner icon to start the program controlling the instrument.

4. For Phosphor screen scanning:

a. Open the instrument lid.

b. Remove the phosphor screen from the exposure cassette and place face down on the glass platen. Close the instrument lid.

c. In the control program, select the settings (grid area, sample orientation, pixel size etc.).

d. Click Scan. In the dialog window that would open, select the destination folder and type the file name.

e. During scanning, the image will gradually appear on the screen. Check the image in the ImageQuant Preview for saturation (intensity-saturated pixels will appear in red). The presence of saturated pixels will affect quantitative analysis of the image. To avoid saturation, you may need to expose a clean screen for a shorter amount of time.

f. After the scan is finished, remove the screen from the instrument. Check the scanner and the surrounding area for contamination. Please do not leave cassettes, gels etc in and around the scanner.

5. For Fluorescence scanning

a. Open the instrument lid.

b. Place the sample on the glass platen. If the sample is a polyacrylamide gel, it can be scanned through the glass plate, or directly on the platen. Close the instrument lid.

c. In the control program, select the settings (grid area, sample orientation, pixel size, focal plane, excitation laser, emission filters etc.). If scanning through a standard 3 mm glass gel plate, chose “+3mm” focal plane.

d. Click Scan. In the dialog window that would open, select the destination folder and type the file name.

e. During scanning, the image will gradually appear on the screen. Check the image in the ImageQuant Preview for saturation (intensity-saturated pixels will appear in red). The presence of saturated pixels will affect quantitative analysis of the image. To avoid saturation, you may need to decrease the photomultiplier voltage (PMT voltage setting).

f. After the scan is finished, remove the screen from the instrument. Please clean the instrument carefully, especially if a gel was scanned directly on the platen.

6. After finishing the scan, please log off the system. The scanner usually does NOT need to be turned off using the on/off switch.

MANUAL:File:375-635 typhoon userguide.pdf


GE Healthcare

800 Centennial Avenue

Piscataway, NJ 08855

Customer #: 00305424


510-816-6445 JoJo Concepcion, Engineer, service tech


Typhoon 9400

Model: 63003854

Serial #: 63003854-95292