User:David Johnston Monje/Notebook/Maize Endophyte Biofertilizers/2009/12/01

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The Daily Grind

  • To Do
    • Run PCRs of B73 seed DNA (100 ng) with 11, 13, 15, and 17 second extention times, 40 cycles, and 50 degree anealing using 799f and 1492rh primers (fluorescently labelled) to check for possibility of excluding mitochondria from amplification. Run alongside, E. coli DNA (100 ng) spiked B73 seed DNA samples as positive controls.
    • Make 96 well plate cultures of Paisley seed, and Paisley stem endophytes
    • Redo PDS RNAi ligation to pDSK (overnight). Check ACC deaminase, E. coli assay for positives.
    • Prepare R2A and LGI plates for plant soil swap experiment. Autoclave mortars and plan sampling strategy for tommorow.