User:David Johnston Monje/Notebook/Maize Endophyte Biofertilizers/2010/05/31

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The Daily Grind

    • To do: Talk to Dietmar about changing growth room for plants: spider mites no problem where I have them in Amelie's chamber, so they stay where they are
    • To do: Digest plasmids with EcoRI and SpeI for 2 hours, then ligate them, select with Kan, and screen for strong GFP (PSBA::GFP in pDRIVE)
    • To do: Colony PCR of seed2 and soil endophytes (the ones that haven't been sequenced yet)
    • To do: Make glycerol stocks of Arabad::GFP in pDRIVE tagged endophytes
    • To do: make 1 L overnights of Burkholderia and 1A1 for watering plants with
    • To do: make 4 mL overnights and plate streaks of 1A1, 1A3, 2A5,2A10, 2D10. Use these to do colony resuspension in phosphate buffer to OD600=0.2 and OD600=1.0 for dipping, while some 1 mL OD600=0.2 plus 1% agar will be poured into tubes for top layer treatment instead of dipping
    • To do: make plate 4 and 5 glycerol stocks, and press plates 4 and 5 into agar plates for tests (assuming the glycerol stocks are growing well (they weren't cause of massive cross contamination, so I manually remade the plate on R2A and will resuspend colonies directly into wells into phosphate buffer for the glycerol stock).