User:Elizabeth Schott/Notebook/Nanoparticles/2015/06/16

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June 16 2015

Retested .5 uL in 2 L & 50 uL in 2 L. Made stock solutions and took 3 50 mL samples from each stock to boil down and test. .5 uL in 2 L of water was visible in spec, so we have determined that is the minimum.

The first chart shows the absorbancy of 3 50 mL samples taken from a stock solution of 50 uL nanoparticle solution in 2 L of water. The second chart shows the absorbancy of 3 50 mL samples from a stock solution of .5 uL nanoparticle solution in 2 L water. The 50 mL samples were boiled down to approximately 3 mL before they were ran through the spectrometer.

Tested pH on nanoparticles. 500 mL samples. 2 samples were made up of 250 mL water & 250 mL CH3COOH (acidic). 2 samples were made up of 250 mL water & 250 mL NaOH (basic). Control samples consisted of 500 mL water. 10 uL of nanoparticle solution was added to each sample.

Original pH of Acid = 2.96 Base = 13.19 Control = 6.82

The first graph shows the absorbancy from 3 50 mL samples that were boiled down from the stock control solution. The second graph shows the absorbancy from 3 50 mL samples that were boiled down from the stock basic solution. The third graph shows the absorbancy from 3 50 mL samples that were boiled down from the stock acidic solution.