User:Floriane Briere/Notebook/CHEM-496/2012/02/29

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Today's objective is to perform FTIR on our three different samples (70/dye; 166/dye; BSA/HCl/dye). This technique will allow us to study covalent bounds that may have been changed during the dying process. Our objective is to perform FTIR on following samples:

  1. Gold NPs with dye (70 and 166 ratio)
  2. Gold NPs without dye (70 and 166 ratio)
  3. BSA alone
  4. Gold alone
  5. BSA/HCl with dye

Comparing the four previous samples will allow us to figure out which bounds have changed during the dying process. In theorie, we are supposed to observe a shift in the lysine spectrum (because the dye is supposed to be linked to the lysin by changing the NH structure). Moreover, FTIR is also going to allow us to test the binding of the dye to the BSA.

To perform the FTIR, we are going to use a KBr pellet because BSA isn't soluble in ethanol or dichloromethane. In each pellet, we should get 5% of material relative to KBr. The FTIR is performed on a Shimadzu - FTIR8300 instrument with a range from 600 to 4700cm-1.


  • Preparation of the background sample (only KBr).
  1. Grain the KBr crystals to obtain a thin powder
  2. Apply pressure on it, the goal is to obtain a transparent film (not opaque because it would block the laser)
  3. Perform the FTIR
  • Preparation of our samples.
  1. Collect the dried samples and mix it with KBr crystals by graining
  2. Apply pressure
  3. Perform the FTIR