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20100618        Top        20100622       

loading tables from ucsc

 wget ""
 wget ""
 wget ""
 wget ""
 mysql -D hg18 < knownGene.sql
 mysql -D hg18 < snp129.sql
 mysql -D hg18 -e "load data local infile '/GENOTYPAGE/data/pubdb/ucsc/hg18/database/snp129.txt' into table snp129"
 mysql -D hg18 -e "load data local infile '/GENOTYPAGE/data/pubdb/ucsc/hg18/database/knownGene.txt' into table knownGene"
 create table baitlibrary_item(id int unsigned primary key auto_increment, baitlibrary_id int unsigned references baitlibrary(id), chrom enum("chr1", "chr10", "chr11", "chr12", "chr13", "chr14", "chr15", "chr16", "chr17", "chr18", "chr19", "chr2", "chr20", "chr21", "chr22", "chr3", "chr4", "chr5", "chr6", "chr7", "chr8", "chr9", "chrMT", "chrX", "chrY"), chromStart int unsigned not null, chromEnd int unsigned not null);
 alter table baitlibrary_item add index(chrom);
 alter table baitlibrary_item add index(chrom,chromStart);

Adding user

  create user '....'@'....'
  grant select on umr915.* to  '....'@'....'

compute overlap dindel/DBs for SLS2


 egrep -v '^#' XXXX1_variantCalls.VCF | sed 's/^/chr/' > /tmp/jeter.txt
 echo "create temporary table T1
 	chrom varchar(50) not null,
 	pos int unsigned not null,
 	id varchar(50),
 	ref varchar(100),
 	alt varchar(100),
 	qual varchar(100),
 	filter varchar(100),
 	info varchar(100),
 	format varchar(100),
 	sample varchar(100),
 	index (chrom),
 	index (chrom,pos)
 load data local infile '/tmp/jeter.txt' into table T1;
 delete from T1 where length(T1.alt)<=1;
 delete from T1 where filter!='.';
 select distinct  T1.*, as 'SNP129_name',
 	S.observed as 'SNP129_observed',
 	S.class as 'SNP129_class',
 	S.avHet as 'SNP129_avHet', as 'KnownGene_name',
 	K.proteinID as 'KnownGene_proteinID'
 	umr915.baitlibrary_item as BI )
 left join snp129 as S
 	on S.chrom=T1.chrom and ((T1.pos-1)>=S.chromStart and (T1.pos-1) < S.chromEnd)
 left join knownGene as K
 	on K.chrom=T1.chrom and ((T1.pos-1)>=K.txStart and (T1.pos-1) < K.txEnd)	
 	BI.chrom=T1.chrom and
 	(T1.pos>=BI.chromStart and T1.pos <= BI.chromEnd)

Fonts for ubuntu

Fonts the the 48H00 of UMR915

as seen on

 cd /usr/share/fonts/truetype
 sudo mkdir myfonts
 cd myfonts
 sudo cp ~/*.ttf .
 sudo chown root.root *.ttf
 sudo mkfontdir
 cd ..

why did I miss chr10:1036884 in my BAM ?=

 samtools view bwa_rmdup_XXXX1.bam chr10:1036884-1036884  |\
 samtools view -S -b  -T ${HG18} - > jeter2.bam
 samtools index jeter2.bam

ok, mutation in chr10:1036884:

 samtools pileup -v -c -f ${HG18} jeter2.bam | varFilter  -d 4  -D 1200  -Q 25
 chr10	1036884	C	Y	11	11	56	96 ,$,$,$,$,$,...,,,,.,,,,,tttt.,tttt,.t,+1t.ttt..tttttttt.ttttt^]t^]t^]t^],^]t^]t^]t^]t^]t	IHCFIE?FEIGIIFBICICCDCFFF@DFG)FFGG@FF0CF)CFD7@FFEF=B.0&=7E375800F&8F+:0FF59938;;;B:7?8=,+-+)>5)+

ok, the line is still here

But when my program 'pileupfilter.jar -min-sq 25' is used, there is no more input. SNP quality is column[5](0)='11' < 25 → excluded ! So what was SLS2's quality for this SNP ?

when I used the recalibrated file:

  samtools view recal_bwa_rmdup_XXXX1.bam chr10:1036884-1036884 |  samtools view -S -b  -T  ${HG18} - > jeter2.bam
  samtools index jeter2.bam
  samtools pileup -v -c -f ${HG18} jeter2.bam | varFilter -d 4  -D 1200  -Q 25 
  chr10	1036884	C	Y	21	21	56	96	,$,$,$,$,$,...,,,,.,,,,,tttt.,tttt,.t,+1t.ttt..tttttttt.ttttt^]t^]t^]t^],^]t^]t^]t^]t^]t	??=>?>;<=B@CC?;C>CDDEEDDDCDDD(DDDDBDD/DD)DCC7@CCCC>B,0&?9C446:23C&9C-=3BB7;76;:<>A=:A;@.,0.+63*,

the recalibrated file change the SNP quality, but is is still not high enough to be displayed for snp-quality >= 25.