User:Nader A. Khamis/Notebook/Experimental Biological Chemistry AU Fall 2011/2011/10/12

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  • Create another Four Point probe. First trial on October 11th failed.
  • The four point probe was chosen over the two point probe because it's more accurate in terms of determining conductivity.
  • Determine if Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) mutation was successful using the DNA sequence obtained.


  1. A small Teflon paper was prepared.
  2. Four short palladium foils were prepared with the following dimensions:
  • (4.8mm by 6.3mm), Area= 30.24mm2
  • (2.3mm by 7.4mm), Area= 17.02mm2
  • (2.2mm by 7.4mm), Area= 16.28mm2
  • (3mm by 7.5mm), Area= 22.5mm2

Following the preparation:

  1. Each palladium wire was glued to a palladium foil using CircuitWorks® 5 Minute Conductive Epoxy.
  2. The foil was glued to the teflon.
  3. A heat gun was used to accelerate the drying of the glue.


  • The conjugated gold nanoparticles fibers prepared from the previous experiment were pipetted onto the four point probe. The concentration of the fiber was insufficient to run the conductivity test.

  • The DNA Sequence


(Start Codon) - (Histidine Tag) - (Enterokinase Cleavage) - (Target Codon)

  • The target codon, GAT, remained the same, indicating that mutation was not successful.


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