BME100 f2017:Group11 W1030 L2

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Device Image and Description

File:Finalproduct side that lays on the arm.PNG

Technical and Clinical Feasibility

Technical Feasibility
Our main challenge of our project is making it cheaper than other neuro-prosthetics in the market. We will make a design that is based on the generic size scale: small, medium, large. In doing so, the product needs to still be thin , comfortable, and strong. The materials we will need include ABS plastic, neuron sensors, and Velcro. Furthermore, we will need to find a motor circuit that is compatible for both the left and right arm. One major obstacle we want to avoid is breakage in the prosthetic arm, as well as any pain to the patient caused by the brace. Clinical Feasibility

Market Analysis

Value Creation

Manufacturing Cost

Sales Price

Market Size

Fundability Discussion