BME100 f2017:Projects1

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BME 100 Fall 2017 Home
Lab Write-Up 1 | Lab Write-Up 2 | Lab Write-Up 3
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Introduction to Biomedical Engineering

Body Temperature Lab Learning Objectives: Students will learn to evaluate a current body monitoring product design using statistical analysis and experimental design. Students will then design their own body monitoring device based on their evaluation of current devices as well as their analysis of the market.

DNA Lab Learning Objectives: Students should leave this unit equipped with a theoretical understanding of how to detect DNA biomarkers and the relevance of this technology to human healthcare. Emphasis will be on good lab/experimental controls and the collection of statistically valid measurements. Students will also understand how commonly used lab devices function, and explore the recent efforts to simplify experiments and to lower costs. At the end of the section, students will explore creative new biosensor designs based on PCR and fluorescent imaging.


  1. Create an OpenWetWare account: Fill in the form at OpenWetWare:How to join
  2. Edit your group's wiki: Find your group's Wiki template in one of the Lab Write-Up sections. There are further instructions there. Be creative and have fun editing!

Lab 1: “Needs Identification”

  • Introduce the Fundability Worksheet from Medicoventures.
  • Identify an existing health care issue.
  • Report on the impact of the issue on society (why it’s important).
  • Identify your customers for validation.
  • Review current solutions to the chosen health care issue. [Available resources: Google Scholar, Patent Searches, News Searches (Lexis Nexis), Journal Searches]
  • Describe advantages/disadvantages to each current solution. Identify the unmet needs (financial, technological, etc.)
  • Score relevant portions of the fundability worksheet (on Blackboard): Market Size, Competitors, and IP Position


Cite appropriately all resources used in completing this analysis.

1. Describe the health care issue you will develop a solution for. Include a description of the pathology your device or technology that will treat/prevent/diagnose.

2. Customer Validation: Create a list of 20 specific customers that you would contact to validate your device/technology (physicians, individuals, organizations etc).

3. Competitors: List current solutions for this health care issue. Create a column for each of the following:
a. Advantages (with reference to other solutions)
b. Disadvantages (with reference to other solutions and the ideal solution). Include unmet needs and categorize (financial, technological, etc.)

4. IP Position: Perform a patent search and describe existing patents related to your device/technology.

5. Using the information you have compiled, score the above portions of the fundability worksheet.
a. Competitors
b. Customer Validation
c. IP Position

Resources on Blackboard:

“How-to” Videos:
- How to cite different resources
- How to use Boolean Operators to improve searches on Google and Google Scholar
- How to search for News Articles on Lexis Nexis
- Understanding and searching for Patents
- How to find peer-reviewed journal articles

HW: Lab Report 1 (due 09/05/17 at 11:59 PM through OpenWetWare)

Grading Scheme:
50 points - Rubric
50 points – Peer Assessment


Lab 1 Rubric

Look for your Group's lab report link in the list of links on the right. If it is RED instead of blue, DO NOT CLICK ON IT!

If the link is red, type the name of your Group's lab report link exactly as shown in the following text field and click the Create Page button.

This should open up an Edit page that is pre-populated with a lab report template code.
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