BME100 s2015:Group12 12pmL1

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Name: Corey Soto
Name: Kyla Richardson
Name: Waseem Aljaid
Name: Syeda Rizvi
Name: Will Chmielewski


WARNING: All material presented here is highly suspectible to change by the write-up's authors. Final draft will be complete by Tuesday, 11:59 P.M.

Independent and Dependent Variables

Independent Variable: Lipopolysacchride (LPS) would be the variable the research team alters, because according to the ELISA data analysis regarding 10 mg LPS, the levels of inflammotin in the blood sample analyzed were affected by an amount of the drug. The team will be able to deduce how inflammotin levels interact with a certain dosage of LPS by manipulating this variable.

Dependent Variable: Inflammotin is the protein responsible for inflammation and is the central part of the experiment the team will conduct. This variable will fluctuate based on the dosage of LPS the research team will administrator to the test groups.

Experimental Design


The data for 10 mg lipopolysacchride (LPS) will be used as a guide to set up the experiment, and will not have a trial dedicated to the dosage level.

  • Group A
    • Trial 1: 8 mg LPS
    • Trial 2: 6 mg LPS
    • Trial 3: 4 mg LPS
    • Trial 4: 2 mg LPS
  • Group B – 0 mg LPS (This group will serve as a control group. They will receive a placebo.)

NOTE: If the range of LPS dosage values preferable to the study's objective is discovered before the 4th and final trial, any future trials will be terminated. This study will be done one trial at a time.

Assuming the team has access to the data for 10 mg of lipopolysacchride (LPS), Group A will be given an 8 mg sample of LPS. Using the ELISA method, samples of blood will be collected from Group A's subjects. Once data analysis is complete, Group A will be given a 6 mg dosage for the next trial. The experimental process for this study will repeat as the dosage of lipopolysacchiride is reduced by 2 mg each trial. Group B will be administered a placebo in place of lipopolysacchride, in order for data comparisons to be made between the groups. Their dosage will remain constant. This study was structured around current financial hardship the laboratory is undergoing; the study will have to be done by a trial-by-trial basis, in order to keep costs at a manageable level.

With this reality in mind, if the results collected from each trial consistently show an increase in inflammotin levels, the team can narrow down on the range of LPS dosage values that may assist in accomplishing the study's objective. This could be the appropriate method for closing in on the minimal amount of lipopolysacchride required to increase the concentration of the inflammotin protein.

Given the financial restraints for the lab, the team recommends conducting a second experiment on the range of LPS dosage values discovered, using a decimal increment to adjust for LPS sample size.


Age limit is between 60 to 70 years of age. The research team believes this is the prime demographic of elderly individuals whose personal health is adequate. These individuals are less likely to succumb to biological factors such as cell decay or organ failure, often from 71 years of age and older. Such issues may complicate the experiment.

Number of subjects per group

  • 10 subjects for each group
  • 2 groups overall

Total: 20 subjects

Subject Selection

  • Random selection of 20 individuals from the general population in America, but both sexes included in the study would be best.
  • Consent of the individuals is necessary, and all information regarding the experiment will be open to disclosure at the participants' request.
  • Medical history of selected individuals required. The research team would like to be aware of any possible conflicting medical issues when it comes to LPS.
  • Particularly interested in individuals who have active levels of inflammation. The study's data will have more relevance to the goal at hand if inflammation can be monitored more easily.
  • Less keen on healthy individuals whose inflammation levels are more passive or even dormant. Data collected could potentially be less accurate if the team works with healthier subjects. These individuals may be placed into the control group to increase data accuracy if necessary.
  • Actual process of recruitment is through more emphasis on speaking to them directly in person, telephone calls, pamphlets going through the mail and advertisements for newspapers, magazines and radio stations. Less emphasis on Internet or email advertisements. The targeted demographic is not as likely to use the Internet or email communication as the other methods described.

Sources of Error and Bias

  • Subjects may desire to end the experiment prematurely
  • Personal conflicts with experimentation (religious / spiritual, distrust of medical / scientific personnel, etc.)
  • Unexpected consequences during experiment (allergic reaction, sickness sets in on one or more subjects, etc.)
  • Experiment itself is ending prematurely (budget cuts too demanding, manpower redirected elsewhere, etc.)

Possible Controls:

  • The team will question the subject on why he or she wants to end the experiment. If the subject/s are adamant about ending the trial, they will be discharged from the experiment, and random selection will be needed to fill any vacancies.
  • It is one of the team’s best interests to ensure the subject’s personal views are not infringed upon for the duration of the experiment. The team will disclose any information the subject requires before entering the laboratory environment. They have the right to opt out of the experiment at any time.
  • The medical history of each subject participating in the inflammotin study will be needed, as the team does not want to give a potentially harmful or fatal dose of lipopolysacchiride, if the case presents itself. Careful measures will be made to account for any possible consequences during the experiment, such as faulty data analysis, malfunctioning lab equipment or loss of data.
  • Realities will set in for the laboratory from time to time. Budget cuts, redirection of manpower, or the premature termination of the experiment could jeopardize the study. However, the team will establish an appropriate time frame for the conduction of the study.. A restrictive budget will be used, and the members of the laboratory will optimize their equipment use to its full effect. Any other particular problems for the experiment will be addressed and concluded properly.