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Dept. Biology, Healthcare & Environment
Section of Plant Physiology
Facultat de Farmàcia, Av. Joan XXIII 27-31
08028 Barcelona, Spain

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Plant-environment interactions

We're interested in genetics of natural variation, population genetics and molecular biology. We want to know how climate change is shaping plant's resistance and tolerance traits under a combined multidisciplinary approach. Our lab undertakes a research approach that looks for the genetic and molecular basis of naturally occurring quantitative variation in biotic and abiotic stress responses, and how these interact with the environment (genotype-by-environment interactions). This multidisciplinary approach will allow a better understanding of the natural evolution of stress pathways in plants and efficient know-how transfer to practical applications.

For a more detailed view of our research plans, please have a look at our Research and Publications sections.

SEMINARS - Keep updated with our research

There are no seminars scheduled.

Previous seminars: 16 April 12:30h
Location: Aula Magna, Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona - Avda Joan XXIII s/n, 08028 Barcelona
Title: Incompatibilitats genètiques del sistema immune de les plantes.
Language: Catalan


24.06.13 Ruben Alcazar editor of Advances in Botany Editorial Board
Ruben Alcazar guest editor of the research topic "Polyamines in stress and development" in Frontiers in Plant Sci.


  • Our lab has started research activities as from 1st Dec 2012 and is recruting students interested in our research activities. Interested people should contact us directly.
  • 25.10.2012 R.A. granted by Marie Curie Actions for the project DISEASENVIRON.
  • 25.10.2012 Review on new open access journal 'Metabolites' published. read
  • 08.10.2012 Interessat en realitzar la tesi doctoral o màster al nostre grup? Contacta per e-mail amb nosaltres.
  • 04.10.2012 New lab webpage version released in OpenWetWare.

Línies de recerca

El nostre és un laboratori interessat en l'estudi de les bases genètiques de l'estrés abiòtic i biòtic en plantes, emprant organismes model i espècies d'interés agronòmic, investiguem la variabilitat genètica natural existent en poblacions silvestres. La nostra és una recerca transversal que incorpora genètica de la variabilitat natural, genètica de poblacions, biologia molecular i bioquímica. Els detalls de la nostra recerca i projectes en curs es poden consultar en l'apartat "Research" i "Publications".

Líneas de investigación

Nuestro laboratorio tiene como principal línea de investigación el estudio de las bases genéticas del estrés abiótico y biótico. Para ello estudiamos la variabilidad genética natural existente en poblaciones naturales de especies modelo y de interés agronómico. Nuestra investigación es transversal e incluye genética de la variabilidad natural, genética de poblaciones, biología molecular y bioquímica. Los detalles de nuestra investigación y proyectos en curso se pueden consultar en las secciones "Research" y "Publications".


Facultat de Farmàcia - Universitat de Barcelona (UB)
Unitat de Fisiologia Vegetal - Edifici A, 2a Planta
Avda Joan XXIII 27-31, 08028 Barcelona

This wiki site is built under Openwetware, an open access movement promoting the sharing of information among researchers.

Lab website is still under construction. --Ruben Alcazar 4 October 2012