Matt Gethers/CRI, Thailand/Labwork/Polyacrylamide Gels/Week of 7.7.08

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Week of 7.7.08


Poured gel and prepared samples according to protocol. My samples were 1 ml of the 200 ml culture used for isolation of HmgR before induction and 1 ml of the same culture after induction. Because I had only two samples, I loaded, 5, 10, and 20 μl of each.

Gel looks good - protein appears in induced lanes at the correct location (~28 kDa) and not in uninduced lanes. Presence also increases with concentration.

Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane 5 Lane 6 Lane 7 Lane 8 Lane 9
5 μl Unstained protein marker 5 μl uninduced cell sample 5 μl induced cell sample (didn't get into well) 5 μl induced cell sample (did get into well) 10 μl uninduced cell sample 10 μl induced cell sample 20 μl uninduced cell sample 20 μl uninduced cell sample (a little from adjacent lane leaked into well) 20 μl induced cell sample (did get into well)