Undergraduate BE Board:Agendas - 10/22/08 Agenda

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BE UG Board Meeting
Coffee House

  1. Welcome and Attendance
  2. Curriculum Committee - no update yet from Cathy or Linda (still)
  3. ASA recognition - figure out SOON
    • need to meet with BE-BMES to discuss differences
    • BE-BMES exec said they haven't gotten any emails, perhaps email them personally?
  4. Tshirts for the semester - Bernice
    • finish orders?
    • when delivered?
    • set date for tshirt study break
  5. Course 20 Underground Guide - Emzo
    • set up committee?
    • how to move forward with this project?
    • make up survey questions TONIGHT
  6. Associate Advising
    • activity? use?
    • group dinner? date?
  7. Royal East Dinners
    • Nov 5, Nov 6
    • make sure to RSVP to Cathy if you are going
  8. Study Breaks?
  9. Exploring the Majors Fair - went well
  10. BE Prefrosh System - Cathy is handling it
  11. Elections for next year?
  12. Other?