User:Atri T. Choksi

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Atri T. Choksi

Contact Info

  • Atri T. Choksi
  • Rm 250 Shriram Center
  • 443 Via Ortega
  • Stanford, CA, USA
  • Email me: atchoksi "AT"

I am a PhD Candidate working in the Endy Lab at Stanford University.


  • 2018, PhD in Bioengineering, Stanford University
  • 2014, MS in Bioengineering, Stanford University
  • 2012, BS in Bioengineering, University of California, Berkeley

Research interests

  1. Synthesizing biological patterns
  2. Studying how intrinsic cell properties give rise to tissue morphology
  3. Computability of biological patterns


  • Nunez NN, Matute TF, Del Valle ID, Kan A, Choksi A, Endy D, Haseloff J, Rudge TJ, Federici F. Artificial symmetry-breaking for morphogenetic engineering bacterial colonies. ACS Syn Bio. (2016)
  • M. S. Siddiqui, A. Choksi, C. D. Smolke, A system for multilocus chromosomal integration and transformation-free selection marker rescue. FEMS Yeast Res. 14, 1171–1185 (2014). pmid=25226817
  • L. J. Bugaj, A. T. Choksi, C. K. Mesuda, R. S. Kane, D. V. Schaffer, Optogenetic protein clustering and signaling activation in mammalian cells. Nat. Methods. 10, 249–252 (2013). pmid=23377377

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