User:David Johnston Monje/Notebook/Maize Endophyte Biofertilizers/2012/11/27

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Remains of the Day

  • Making glycerol stocks of rhizospheres, roots and shoots for potato endophyte experiment - shoots are unlickley to be interesting but do them anyway.
  • After culturing and making glycerol stocks, freeze the falcon tubes for later DNA extraction
  • Weighed mash collected, and added twice as much phosphate buffer to each (ie. 1 g of mash recieved 2 mL). Plating roots (50 ul of 100X diluted mash each third of a genotype plate) and shoots (just the 10X dilution) on plates divided into 3 and grouped by genotype. Also innoculating the into semi-solid LGI (50 ul of 10X diluted stuff for shoot, 50 ul of 100X diluted stuff for roots).