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Ph.D., Evolutionary and Ecological Genetics, University of California, Davis, 1994.
(401) 863-3455

Marc Tatar is Assistant Professor of Biology in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Brown University. Dr. Tatar has studied the demography, evolution and genetics of aging since he joined the laboratory of James Carey as a graduate student at UC Davis. Working with a variety of insect systems he has explored the mechanisms by which reproduction modulates aging. Current work in the Tatar laboratory focuses on genetic methods with Drosophila to understand how insulin/IGF signals and other hormones regulate aging. Dr. Tatar received post-doctoral training at the University of Minnesota in the laboratory of James Curtsinger. Dr. Tatar presently holds an Ellison New Scholar Award and a Manning Assistant Professorship at Brown University, and is the Joint Editor-in-Chief of Aging Cell (to begin in October, 2002).

Marc Tatar's web site