User:Mattias Rantalainen

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I'm currently a PhD candidate in the department of Biomolecular Medicine at Imperial College London (UK) in Prof. Elaine Holmes lab, my co-supervisors are Prof. Jeremy Nicholson (Imperial College) and Johan Trygg (Umeå University).

My PhD research activities are in the area of Metabolic profiling, Chemometrics and Statistical pattern recognition, with a focus on development and application of statistical pattern recognition methods for the analysis of ‘Omics’ data in biology, e.g. transcriptomics, proteomics and metabonomics.

BioSysBio 2008

The BioSysBio conference will be held at Imperial College in 2008. The IET BioSysBio Organising Committee welcomes contributions in the fields of Synthetic Biology, Systems Biology and Bioinformatics.

For more information, please visit


I have a general interest in supervised learning and statistical data analysis methods, with a focus on modeling of biological data. I'm particularly interested in methods and strategies for data integration and quantitative approaches to biological research in general.

Recent research activities include:

  • Discriminant analysis
  • Kernel based methods for pattern analysis
  • Integrated modeling of data from multiple analytical platforms
  • Modeling of short time series data sets

Other science topic I'm interested in:

  • Statistical Experimental Design
  • Automation and standardization of experimental biology including data analysis and representation of biological data
  • Synthetic biology
  • Open source / access to software and information


  • Leon M. Smith, Anthony D. Maher, Olivier Cloarec, Mattias Rantalainen, Huiru Tang, Paul Elliott, Jeremiah Stamler, John C. Lindon, Elaine Holmes, and Jeremy K. Nicholson, Statistical Correlation and Projection Methods for Improved Information Recovery from Diffusion-Edited NMR Spectra of Biological Samples, Anal. Chem., 2007, 10.1021/ac0703754
  • Mattias Rantalainen§, Max Bylesjo§, Olivier Cloarec,Jeremy K Nicholson, Elaine Holmes, Johan Trygg, Kernel-based orthogonal projections to latent structures (K-OPLS), J Chemometrics, 2007, in press, §Equal contribution
  • Bylesjö M§, Rantalainen M§, Cloarec O, Nicholson J K, Holmes E, Trygg J. OPLS discriminant analysis: combining the strengths of PLS-DA and SIMCA classification. J Chemometrics, 2006,§Equal contribution
  • Rantalainen, M.; Cloarec, O.; Beckonert, O.; Wilson, I. D.; Jackson, D.; Tonge, R.; Rowlinson, R.; Rayner, S.; Nickson, J.; Wilkinson, R. W.; Mills, J. D.; Trygg, J.; Nicholson, J. K.; Holmes, E. J,Statistically integrated metabonomic-proteomic studies on a human prostate cancer xenograft model in mice, Proteome Res 2006, 5, 2642-2655.
  • R. E. Williams, E. M. Lenz, M. Rantalainen, I. D. Wilson, The comparative metabonomics of age-related changes in the urinary composition of male Wistar-derived and Zucker (fa/fa) obese rats, Mol. BioSyst., 2006, (3-4),193-202
  • R. E. Williams, E. M. Lenz, J. S. Lowden, M. Rantalainen, I. D. Wilson, The metabonomics of aging and development in the rat: an investigation into the effect of age on the profile of endogenous metabolites in the urine of male rats using 1H NMR and HPLC-TOF MS, Mol. Biosyst., 2005, (2),166-175

Other stuff

Contact details

Mattias Rantalainen

Department of Biomolecular Medicine
Division of Surgery, Oncology, Reproductive Biology and Anaesthetics (SORA)
Faculty of Medicine >br> Imperial College of Sciences, Technology and Medicine
Sir Alexander Fleming Building
Exhibition Road
South Kensington
London SW7 2AZ

mattias dot rantalainen at imperial dot ac dot uk