Water Still

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WATER STILLS (B414 & B462)

Rules and Guidelines


1.) New user MUST be trained by the captain or present users


This is a highly automated instrument.

If you find no water in the tanks, and the unit is on “red”, someone has taken lots of water recently and the unit is making more.

If the the unit is dark, the switch on the control box needs to be turned on, (large black switch) – turn all the way up and then down completely.

If it still does not restart (it usually drains the boiler and re-fills in approx. ~15 min)

If it trips off quickly, then there is a problem.

Contact Equipment Captain and/or Jessica (probably just a clogged filter)


There is an additional still on the other side of the building for large volumes of glass-distilled water. There is also highly filtered water but low volume in B448 (Barnstead Water System)

Manufacturer: High-Q