Koch Lab:Data/MT Gliding Assay Readme File

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This is the readme file for kochlab gliding assay and microtubule tracking data.
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 To the extent possible under law, <a href="http://openwetware.org/wiki/Koch_Lab" rel="dct:publisher"><span property="dct:title">Steven J. Koch and other KochLab members</span></a>
 has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to
 <span property="dct:title">KochLab Data</span>.

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2013/2014 Update

"Kochlab" has shutdown and we were unable to preserve the kochlab.org domain. All the data are preserved, but we can not yet provide convenient access. I will update links below to provide alternatives, based on the preserved data set on the University of New Mexico's Institutional Repository (LoboVault): http://hdl.handle.net/1928/12559 --Steve Koch 12:11, 15 July 2014 (EDT)


Raw data acquired by Andy Maloney. Tracking software by Larry Herskowitz and Steve Koch. Tracking automation by Larry Herskowitz. Data analysis and interpretation by Andy Maloney, Larry Herskowitz, Steve Koch. Kinesin-1 provided by Haiqing Liu (LANL).

Data are licensed CC0, as noted above. You are not required, but if possible it would be cool if you give credit to us in any derived work. Also, we might enjoy working with you if it is productive. Contact info can be found here: Koch_Lab:Contact.


Raw data can be found at the following link.

Guide to accessing data

The data can be browsed with the above link, using a web browser. More convenient downloading of the data can be achieved by anonymous FTP:

  • Host: libstore.unm.edu
    • Anonymous username, blank password
  • Remote site: /12559/koch/surface_passivation/data

Please contact Steve Koch with questions: sjkoch@unm.edu


(2013/2014 Update: Unfortunately, all of the kochlab.org links are broken. However, the software is preserved just not easily publicly accessible (at least not yet). Please email Steve Koch with requests. --Steve Koch 12:25, 15 July 2014 (EDT))

Our software will all be open-source. However, currently we have not yet gone through the steps to make sourceforge projects. Below is all of the software we used to analyze images, but it will probably be difficult to use without some instructions (which we haven't yet written). Unfortunately, some of even the compiled versions will require a NI-Vision license. Whereas all the source code will require LabVIEW development platform.

Microtubule image tracking, automated

Track smoothing and speed calculation, automated

Group speed analysis, automated

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Related Notebook and Other Postings

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