BME100 f2013:W1200 Group18 L2

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Name: student
Name: student
Name: student
Name: student
Name: student
Name: student


Descriptive Statistics

Experiment 1
For 0mg LPS Dose:
Standard Deviation:1.523010177
Endpoint #:10
Standard Error: .481618106

For 5mg LPS Dose:
Average: 8.932
Standard Dev: 1.593931547
Endpoint #: 10
Standard Error: 0.504045412

For 10 mg LPS Dose:
Average: 61.622
Standard Dev: 30.11069386
Endpoint #: 10
StandardError: 9.521837451

For 15mg LPS Dose:
Average: 657.941
Standard Dev: 212.9429762
Endpoint #: 10
Standard Error: 67.33848166

Experiment 2
For 0mg LPS Dose:
Average: 10.516 pl/mg
Standard Dev: 2.225551617
Endpoint #: 5
Standard Error: 0.995296941

For 10mg LPS Dose:
Average: 11.112 pl/mg
Standard Dev: 7.402885924
Endpoint #: 5
Standard Error: 3.310671231


Experiment 1

Experiment 2



Experiment 1
Because the P-value is less than 0.05, the data is statistically accurate.
Bonferroni Correction

Experiment 2

Because the P value is greater than .05 the difference in the data is not statistically significant.

(Using inferential statistics, please determine statistically significant differences in the data.)


(Please discuss the results and statistical analysis from both experiments. State your conclusion.) Looking at the graphs, it is apparent that the human experiment showed a big change in Inflammotin levels as dosage increased, whereas the rat experiment showed little to no change in Inflammotin levels as dosage increased. The margin of error also increased as dosage increased for both experiments. However, it is important to determine the accuracy of these results. The p-value of the human experiment (experiment 1) was lower than 0.05, which means the differences in the data are significant. All six individual comparisons with Bonferroni Corrections within this experiment also support this claim. On the other hand, the p-value of the rat experiment (experiment 2) was greater 0.05, which means that the difference in the data is not significant. This data (the p-values specifically) means that LPS is a drug more effective in humans than in rats. Also, the human body requires a large dose of LPS for there to be any real change in Inflammotin levels.